Anne Lincoln
2021 Paintings
2020 Paintings
2018-2019 Paintings
2016-2017 Paintings
2013-2015 Paintings
Events & Classes
2021 Paintings
2020 Paintings
2018-2019 Paintings
2016-2017 Paintings
2013-2015 Paintings
Events & Classes
2016 Paintings
Fiery Fields, oil on panel
"Cloud Strike," oil on wood, 10x10
"Changing Skies," oil on wood, 6x18
"Morning Glory," oil on wood, 6x18
"Drifting," oil on wood, 6x18
"Days Gone By," oil on wood, 6x18
"Windswept," oil on wood, 12x24
"Almost Dark," oil on wood, 6x6
"Lazy Water," oil on wood, 14x22
"Hot Summer Days," oil on wood, 12x18
"June Bypass," oil on wood, 12x18
"Timeless," oil on wood, 24x24
"Daydreamss," oil on wood, 24x24
"Summer Bliss," oil on wood, 18x24
"Awakening II", oil on wood, 20x20
"Contemplation," oil on wood, 10x10
"Hillside Geometry," oil on wood, 10x10
"Walk on Clouds, I," oil on wood, 10x10
"Walk on Clouds, II," oil on wood, 10x10
"Walk on Clouds, III," oil on wood, 10x10
"On The Edge," oil on wood, 12x12
"Fading Sun" oil on wood, 6x6
"Coastal Shift, II" oil on wood, 6x6
"Fleeting Light," oil on canvas, 18x24
"To The Water," oil on canvas, 14x14
"Turquoise Depths," oil on wood, 16x16
"Surf's Up!" oil on canvas, 16x16
"Skipping Clouds," oil on canvas, 16x16
"Beware The Rocks." oil on wood, 16x16
2015 Paintings
Moving Lines, o/canvas, 14x14, 0715, $440.
Coastal Shift, o/canvas, 14x14, $440
Sunlit Reflections, o/canvas, 14x14, 0615, $440.
Last Glimpse, o/canvas, 14x14, 0815, $440.
Morning Hours, o/canvas, 14x14, $440
Winter Calm, o/canvas, 12x12, 0915, $385.
Chasing the Moment, o/canvas, 14x14, 0315, $440.
unsettled Moments, o/canvas, 14x14, 0215, $440.
Wandering, o/wood, 6x6, --15, $95.
Playful Clouds, o/canvas, 6x6, 1215, $95
Polished Glass, o/canvas, 6x6,1615, $95.
Late Summer Bypass series, 1-A, o/canvas, 6x6, 1714, $95
Late Summer Bypass series, 1-B, o/canvas, 6x6, 1814, $95
Late Summer Bypass series, 1-C, o/canvas, 6x6, 1914, $95
Late Afternoon Bypass series, 1-A, 1-B, 1-C
Always Present, o/canvas, 6x6, 1115, $95.
Rose Dawn, o/canvas, 6x6, 1315, $95.
Lit From Within, o/canvas, 6x6, 1015, $95.
Bright Sky Day, o/canvas, 6x6, 1715, $95.
Fading Sun, o/wood, 6x6, 1415, $95.
Coastal Shift, o/wood, 6x6, 1515, $95.
Reflections, o/wood, 6x6, --15, $95.
Transparent, o/wood, 6x6, --15, $95.
2014 Paintings
(and before)